that totally describes the uneventful life im goin tru now.ARGH.
headed to town on sat wif jj.shoppin around aimlessly.one thing i must add: the thai-chinese food in far east is damn good. affordable and delicious. good combination. altho e service..was...but yes the food more than made up for it. ppl, go try it some day! serious. =)
mianli joined us and continued shoppin.didnt see anything much in far east.except that jj and ml were intently lookin for shoes.and ml bought a pair.quite nice. he bought a stussy shirt too.jj got a white stussy shirt and yes i bought a roxy skirt. which i finally decided upon after 3 choices.it was totally black apart from the pink frills at the bottom edges and yes the panty-like white frills at the top.even tho i bought that, i haf a feelin the blue-checkered skirt is gonna end up in my wardrobe soon too.yes.positive.
wasnt feelin very hungry but stil we ended up at crystal jade for dinner.the xiao long baos.are.damn.NICE.it's pretty much addictive after the first bite but too bad we had to try other stuff too.guo tie was delectable.dinner was fillin and yes we really took our time to eat.seriously took our time.then e movie suggestion came up so we decided to watch I do I do at 1045.it was singlishly hilarious,to put it mildly, but the twist at the end was really unexpected.quite a good movie in all and its a local production.i actually wanted to go chinablack but the queue changed my mind.headed home in a cab.
interestin weekend all in all.vday was a quiet affair.got gifts for and from my frens.here and there. thanks for all the stuff! really appreciate it.
as usual, i got tangled up in some mess which i probably knew nuts about.somehow the blame came to me when i'm actually not in the picture.it was tiring.i mean.this kinda stuff happenin.drained.and cos my dad wasn home for like almost a week.i had to put up with my mum's incessant rantin about him and so on and so forth.it's cny for goodness sake.pls.i probably wont and never will tell her off about it.it doesn help the situation nor lighten the cny mood.opinions opinions.shush mans.
dad goes off everytime he has the chance to.christmas n cny.christmas was a disaster.ended up stonin at home.cried my heart out.pathetic right.cny was the same, jus that i didnt spend much time at home.if he's better off there..who am i to say i guess.oh sigh.helpless and pathetic.
i always feel this familiar tug at my heart whenever they're in sight.i stil dont understand why...i must follow tru with my new yr resolution! easier said than done.ARGH.hope it ceases soon anyway.if not it'll give me a darn bloody headache.
common tests comin up and im stil slackin online.doesn say much does it.haha.im addicted to shoppin too.ladies dunks.saw a few pairs which have very pretty colour combinations.but i must resist temptation.racket comes first.
guess that's all for now, quite a long day and im gonna head to dreamland soon.10am classes tml.lab and comp programmin.wth.might head to uk fun fair! cant wait..=)
done ventin.haha.=)